Chapter 2 - It Is Time


Ever think people, society or “gravity” are at fault? Take a listen to John Mayer’s song, Gravity, to see where you resonate with any parts of the music. Listen to the beginning of Katy Perry’s song, Firework , to see where you resonate with any parts of the music. Look for the lyrics online to read while the song is playing and be present with the words that are being sung.


Watch the Alike short video to see the father finally zone everything out to realize his happiness is worrying less about what everyone expects him to be like and does what makes him happiest. How do you see the father’s self-consciousness changing over the course of the video, and how does that affect his and his child’s happiness?


Happy to be your guide. As you listen to the song, Count Me In by Bruno Mars, ask yourself how I am there or someone else is there for you as your lighthouse and how one day you can become the light for others down the road. How does this possibility feel to you?


Take a quick, Anonymous Survey to reflect your score where you are right now on the Ignite Happy Meter and related questions to support your current thinking. It will take you less than two minutes to complete and will help me research how people change from now to the end of the book.


Listen to True Colors by Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake, and again find meaning from both music and words that connect to where you are today. Listen again: Try to stretch yourself to connect with a lyric or a line you didn’t the first time and go deeper with an emotional connection. Happy to be your guide.


Watch this Bonus Fry routine from the comedian Jim Gaffigan, and allow yourself to laugh out loud a bit. I love his reference to the “bonus fry” and the goodwill gesture to pay it forward. Imagine living life like each day was a “bonus fry” day and as though we have one last chance to make a difference.