In today’s world, we need to have more joy, more purpose, and more happiness in everything we do. That is particularly necessary in our professional lives and where we, as leaders, have to inspire our teams to feel. Our guest in this episode brings a unique concept that can guide us: Purposeful Optimism. Darrin Tulley sits down with Florent Amion, a Senior Healthcare Leader and a driving force behind purpose-driven organizations, cultivating environments that attract exceptional talent and deliver outstanding results for all stakeholders. Together, they discuss how purposeful optimism can be applied in the workplace. Florent then shares his work creating the first optimistic hospital in Spain, putting these concepts into action and showcasing the profound results to the culture, the community, and the entire organization as a whole. If you want more purpose-driven leadership insights and want to inspire others with a higher purpose to drive significant business outcomes, then tune in to this conversation! Remember, happiness and joy can actually coexist with getting business results.
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Purposeful Optimism: Leadership That Inspires Talents And Delivers Results With Florent Amion
I’m excited to reunite with our guest Florent Amion who’s calling from Spain. I met Florent in 2018 at the Copenhagen, Denmark Happiness at Work Conference. Florent is a driving force behind purpose-driven organizations, cultivating environments that attract exceptional talent and deliver outstanding results for all stakeholders.
He has been a senior leader in the healthcare industry for over 25 years and a business leader in the med-tech space where he has won awards and helped organizations outperform markets by multiple factors by teaching leaders how to focus on people with a higher purpose. He is passionate about empowering individuals to make a difference in the world. I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and you will too. It made me smile with appreciation for how much his thinking has influenced my belief in what is possible over the years.
Tune in if you are interested in purpose-driven leadership and how to inspire others with a higher purpose, driving significant business outcomes with the people-first approach, leveraging optimism to help people contribute and meaningful ways where people experience transcendent motivation and growth, and learning how to give back during your work day and not have to wait for the weekend or when I’m retired to help others thrive. Enjoy the conversation and open your mind to wonder what is possible wherever you are. Enjoy the show.
Welcome, Florent, to the show. It is so exciting to see you again. How are you doing?
I’m doing good. How are you?
I’m doing great. It’s been a few years since we connected. It was in 2018. We met at the Happiness at Work Conference that was produced and hosted by Woohoo, Inc. I met you in one of your sidebar workshops in a classroom format. Also, you were on stage and I was front and center for that. I have to tell you, I was super impressed and I haven’t forgotten about you. It’s good to be back here together.
Let’s jump into what we talked about back at the Happiness at Work Conference because in today’s world, having more joy, purpose, and happiness in everything we do. You had some different approaches that you were employing out in the world, engaging not only the audience but also people over in Spain. I’d love to hear a little bit more about that and share with the audience what you talked about there then tie that into what you’re all passionate about.
I’m happy that you have a great memory and you remember me. It was a very nice time together with all these people who believe in the same basic principle of what the work should be. It’s interesting because it’s been before COVID and before everything changed about relationships with people and with work, especially talking about the possibility of working from home and commuting.
For young people, maybe it’s something weird. Back in 2004, it wasn’t that easy. Not even from a technological point of view. We’ve done it because we believed in the fact that what is important is not to be watching over the shoulders of your people. Make sure that your people can feel happy to work from wherever. That’s something with the post-COVID era, we realize that many people crave that.
It’s funny to think when we met, it was these crazy people doing and thinking about that. Now it’s much more normal because a big pandemic struck us and said, “Rules have to change now.” I don’t know what you think about it, but it sped up the time. In the two years of the pandemic, we’ve been going further for the mentality of many people like 10 years or 15 years. I don’t know how it works in the United States. In Spain, it’s been like a pendulum. Everyone is at home and now it’s coming back like, “We want you to come back to the office.”
What is your take on that hybrid approach?
Every situation is different, but it’s easier to say, “Come, I will watch over what you are doing.” It’s harder to make sure that for every person in your company, you have set some objective. That can be very precise or very wide, but you know how you’re working, why you are working, how you’re going to be valued on these objectives, and with a sincere conversation about that and constant feedback about your objective.
It’s much harder to do all of that rather than to say, “See you on Monday. I’m sure you’re busy.” It’s all about the fact that when people are not obliged by the environment prefer to say, “Come back to the office because we can see each other.” That’s BS because I am not offering you the tools and the playground. As a manager, it’s a failure because we don’t need to see each other like three days a week. It’s not because of that. I think it’s a failure of management. That is my humble opinion.
I appreciate you sharing that. There’s that element of how we connect doing that remotely or in person. It takes different efforts no matter what we do. It takes that proper intention and higher purpose, connecting with real meaning and impact. I recall when I think about back in 2018 and prior to COVID.
I loved that event because there were a lot of talks about people’s first cultures and how happiness and joy can coexist with getting business results. It’s one of those things that flies in the face of many leaders. They don’t believe that’s possible and we’re both big on possibilities when we focus on our people. One of the things that I caught you talking about was the hospital situation in the work that you’re doing with different teams in med tech. You could create a hospital. I think that was the first optimistic hospital in Spain or maybe in the world. I love for you to share more about that.
It was a consequence. What we’ve done for hospitals about this time leading a company for a med tech company. We decided back in 2013 to put people first and to be a purpose-led company. This purpose-led company says, “We are going to organize everything around people. People from inside, this is Happiness at Work. People from outside, which is we’re going to change the world. We’re going to generate happiness for people in the world.”
It’s where you have to set a bunch of missions around the purpose and make sure that you’re not only working for the direct obvious objective of bringing products, selling products, and charging products during the typical commercial relationships. When you start to change the playground and say, “It’s not only making business that it’s delivering or contributing to a better word.” The word contributes is very important.
In the beginning, it caused a lot of lack of confusion for people because back in 2013, it was at that point but you can see now all the green washings or sport washing. Everything washing is now very on the edge. Everyone is talking about that. It’s a shame now you have to make sure that people don’t think you are doing it because it’s a greenwashing campaign or whatever. At that time, it wasn’t already the case. It was hard to make people understand that it’s not only about the business. It’s about a higher purpose.
When people start to understand and start to realize that it’s possible to chase different objectives that is not only a commercial one. When they start to understand that you are not losing your time, but you are making them live their transcendental motivation. They don’t have to wait on Saturday morning to help some people around in their community. They don’t have to wait for them to retire to start to head the society but by working at your own company from Monday to Friday, you are helping others.
You’re transforming the world around you and this is so powerful because once it’s a reality for 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, or 30% of the company, everyone starts to change. The transcendental motivation is the most powerful motivation you have. People start to think and believe they have the opportunity to change the world and have the opportunity to work at this company.
What is funny is that it’s all in the books. At this moment, when you offer something like that, talent starts to come into your company because as humans, we are all storytellers. The story you tell the people during job interviews, you say, “This is who we are. This is how we work. This is a people we want to work with.”
When this story is equivalent and aligned with example actions that candidates can see, you don’t know how but your brand image starts to go between the candidates. You don’t know why but, “This new person used to be the first student at the University. This sales rep used to be the best sales rep in the other company.” All these people come together, gather around this higher purpose, and then all of a sudden you don’t know why you beat the market by 2, 3, 4, or 5. It’s something very funny. As every good thing, it takes time to set up everything.
I’m sitting here nodding in my head like it was back in 2018. As you mentioned, it’s not just out of the books. This is real. Not only it’s possible. I could hear my own thinking come alive too as I heard you go through this as I was back then. I wrote a book called Live Your Possible. I have a podcast called Live Your Possible. What you’re saying has a big influence on my thinking and my doing.
I’m so happy for that.
Thank you. I could hear what you’re saying is very connected and some of the things that are real and are happening. I’ve shared with you that there’s a hospital in Florida, Hendry Regional Medical, that changed its purpose from the patient to the caregiver and focused on changing its purpose to a higher purpose. They have an acronym called THRIVE and it starts with the letter “T” which is trust. They put the steps in action where people were empowered and felt like they could be heard, open, honest, and trusted. Listen to the podcast episode featuring how this hospital transformed.
You said a keyword there. They could contribute. They could contribute to something bigger. What happened is everything you’re saying. It’s something where it was profound. They realized that when they took care of the caregivers, the caregivers did a better job taking care of the patients. Everybody thrived. Part of the influence was some of the stories that I’ve shared that come from you. I want you to understand you’re impact is far-reaching.
I’ve mentioned to the folks at this hospital down in Florida about your thinking and some of your influence has passed through. I want to share it with you. I would love to connect you with them at some point but I want you to know, you have a greater impact. I’m sure there’s an even greater impact that’s going to follow. I want to say thank you for that from me, even from the hospital.
In 2019, I’m sure you know the work from Amy Edmondson about psychological safety. It’s interesting because the work she’s been doing was born in the hospital at the beginning of 2000. She realized that psychological safety is not trust. It’s something different. It’s something very close to it but the thing is when you start to work on this concept, it was very interesting.
When she published this book, I was like, “This is incredible because it’s in the hospital.” We understand how it works because it’s all about saying, “I want to make sure that when you are at work, you won’t be judged at any moment about what you think and what you offer.” It was something so simple that, at the end of the day, she was able to demonstrate because when I worked in my own company, it’s my experience but this is not science.
At the moment you start to make, like Amy Edmondson, a city with five hospitals in Belgium, you have 500 people working, and you do some tests, this is science. This is a very interesting work she’s been doing. The fact is what she discovered was when there was a culture of psychological safety, your organization has a possibility to be a learning organization. People are not afraid to express their selves about their mistakes and doubts. People start to learn.
People learning is the key factor to make sure that your organization is going from here to here because if people learn, your organization improves. When you talk from a hospital, you can translate that directly to a number of deaths because if you don’t learn how to better take care of it or treat your patients, this is not a question of you saving lives. She has demonstrated that. All of us, as potential patients in the future, are all going to be old and all going to be ill.
The thing is we should all advocate for what she’s been working on and demonstrate that we need to provide for hospitals to this psychological safety factor. It’s so important. It has matched very well with this culture of feedback and learning organizations that fits very well with the purpose of that organization because these are the key elements. If you are able to offer a place where people can contribute to another purpose and people can learn and feel free to express themselves, you don’t feel in your stomach on a Sunday afternoon, “Tomorrow is Monday.”
You feel happy to go to work. You feel happy to say, “I want to go there because I want to learn more. I won’t be judged. I want to improve myself as a professional and as a person. This is what my work and situation is for me.” This is so magical at this point because when a certain percentage of your company starts to feel like that, then magic happens. Results come and then victory. You can see that on the sports team, defeat is lovely but victory, I don’t know how to say that in English, but everyone is happy and wants to share that. It’s interesting.
We celebrate together in that situation. We’re still celebrating bigger things in our personal growth. Our personal growth contributes to this team goal or big organization. Maybe it’s that external perspective. We’re able to help the community during our day job. I love that message. Imagine that if we’re all helping the community as part of our day-to-day. I love what you said, we don’t have to wait until we’ve retired to do that, so that’s pretty funny. I recall back too that there was a picture I remember seeing. You have this green nose. Tell us a little bit about what this is.
The idea was when we started to create this opportunity inside the company to enjoy this purpose at Happiness at Work. We started to think, “How are we going to commit ourselves to contributing to the rest of people?” Not only ourselves because Happiness at Work can be about material condition, which is the easiest. Anyone can sign a check and make something nice or something pleasant to the eyes. What is important is all about the culture and all the processes. Don’t set up a meeting after 6:00 in the afternoon and all the audits in the company. It’s all about culture.
This is interesting. It generates happiness at work when you commit to the organization to make the world a better place. At this moment, you have to make sure that it’s something real. Because we were a med-tech company, we said, “We need to change the world. How are we going to calorie going to do that?” We started first to think about passions, then we realized that many companies were doing things about patients, especially chemo patients, oncology, and young people.
It was like, “We are not going to be very special on that. It’s a very red ocean. There are a lot of people doing things and we don’t have the budget and resources to dedicate.” We want to do things. We had this idea to say, “What is important about the patient is their environment and their caregivers.” No one is thinking about the caregivers.
At the place we work, we call it the optimistic building because optimism is one of the key behaviors that can help to build all the purpose and cultures that you need at any moment. Optimism is great because it’s a question of making sure that when stuff happens, and it always happens, you have a choice. You have to focus on the tiny possibilities that can be good in this situation or you can start to look at all the rest that is not going well.
Optimism is going to work all the time and it’s free to use. It’s not being naive or being complacent. It’s to say, “This is the little light we have at the end of the tunnel so let’s go for it.” We had this optimistic building and we said, “As workers, if we are working in an optimistic building and we are dedicating ourselves to generating this Happiness at Work, how can we improve the caregivers’ environment?” At this moment, we have the idea to say, “Let’s just create the optimistic hospitals.”
This concept was created back in 2014 and we started to generate this national award that was made to put on the scene all the caregivers with special leadership skills and special actions. We’re generating another environment in the hospitals. During the ten years, we’ve been working on that and it’s been an incredible journey. In the beginning, it was surprising for the people. They say, “What is that?” Especially because we worked on a book and this book was made to make it easy for people to understand.

Is it about dreaming about an optimistic hospital? I think that’s what it’s called.
This was with a hero and this hero was an optimistic captain. It was all about making sure that we were able to offer, in a very colorful book, a lot of tools from positive organizational psychology about coaching and organizational development. It’s very easy to understand for caregivers about what their possibility is. This is very interesting because when you talk about live your possible.
As a caregiver, you can spend a lot of time complaining about what you don’t have, but if you start to think about what you can do, you realize there are a lot of little things you can do. If you think about it from a selfish point of view, you realize that you can have better work if you start to behave differently. You’re not going to change a system on your own. This is being optimistic.
You can spend a lot of time complaining about what you don't have, but if you start to think about what you can do, you realize that there are a lot of little things you can do. Share on XDo a little step in a direction that makes things change and maybe tomorrow, another person will join you or there’s a person who will join you then you are 2 and then 3. You start to have this conversation about psychological safety. You can train yourself. You can start to talk about that with your boss, then you start to learn more.
You feel more comfortable and all of us sudden, your results are good. Your general manager starts to say, “This unit is different. Why?” You get a lot of rewards and it all starts with a little step about someone. This is a book that we created and our hero is an optimistic captain with a green cape and a green nose. The photo shows the action we are doing to make the promotion of the awards.
That’s super fun. As I recall, you said it was done in a simple way. Folks could follow and understand it. It even has a children’s book feel. There’s a quote that I’ve seen somewhere about why that is. Do you recall that quote?
I don’t. I’m sorry.
I think the quote was, “We are children dreaming inside of changing the world.” Does that ring a bell?
It doesn’t ring a bell but it’s okay. I like it. I wrote the book with a scientific dreamer, who is a doctor in medicine and in economics. They wrote a thesis about the importance of purpose and artwork for caregivers. The result is funny because you realize that even as a caregiver, you feel good because you save lives very roughly but it’s not enough because it’s your job. You realize and every time I watch it, for example, you take some anesthetists who are specialized in saving lives and running missions.
All of a sudden, you say, “Please, out of the work, let’s go to a public school then we’re going to teach ten year old kids to make cardiopulmonary animation, to pump, and to save lives. You see the doctors at this moment and they start to smile. They connect with children and feel good. At this moment, you realize the power of precedent and motivation because there are the benefits of the organization.
It’s like a wonderful team building. You don’t pay for it. You don’t go to a fancy restaurant. You don’t do expensive activities but at this moment, there is no more boss and no boss. Everyone is connecting with a group of children. Everyone is excited to transmit something useful to children. Children are excited because they’re learning from adult doctors. After that, you listen to doctors talking together. They feel good and it’s all positive for everyone.
This is what it is all about. Make sure that saving lives in the world is great, but find a way to connect with your team and contribute to the world in another way. During all these years of Optimistic Hospital Awards, we had the opportunity to witness some fantastic initiatives. I can’t talk enough about the hospital where we’re setting up a theater with a chemo patient from the pediatric board. It was like 40 kids with cancer. All of a sudden, you gather teachers in the hospitals, nurses, doctors, and surgeons. It was like 60 people.

People from the town wanted to help. Professional actors wanted to help. All of a sudden, you have a troop of 150 people training for three nights. They will represent a theater. In February, we will go for the 10th anniversary. It’s just crazy because 800 seats sold after one hour and there were three functions.
Every politician wants to be there. Everyone wants to be there because it’s something that makes people proud to be part of. It’s another way of making incredible connections because when you are in a world and you want to save lives, you need to trust each other. You need to continue what Amy Edmondson talked about psychological safety.
When you do theater together, maybe you’re the surgeon, but when you’re on the scene, you’re not the big gun. Maybe you’re the worst actor. Maybe the nurse is a big gun and you forget about your job position and you start to connect as human beings. It’s when the trust starts to grow between people. When you’re in the world in a tense situation, you will benefit from that. It’s as simple as that. It has to be understood by some leaders. Someone will say, “I want to see a little bit more of the playground. What can we do to generate a high-performing team?”
It’s all about building a team that trusts and generates this purpose and makes sure that everything is aligned to generate this world of performance. It’s all about purpose, character, and strategy, and all the time working all together saying, “Are we aligning everything? Are we are we doing enough? Are we offering people a way to speak up? Are we offering people the time to connect as human beings?” All of that is a secret recipe for a high-performing team.
It's all about building a team and that trust that generates this purpose and making sure that everything is aligned. Share on XI love everything you’re saying from the elements of the theater, that level of humility, being human beings again, and being open-minded enough. It’s not about us as individuals and our roles and participating in something beautiful. It’s great. It’s a great visual that you’ve painted us there. Our ability to let our guards down, be human, and love each other. It’s beautiful.
It’s all about that. I was lucky enough to interview some people from this hospital. It’s very interesting to listen to a cardiac surgeon. You can imagine a cardiac surgeon in a hospital saying, “I realize that the girl from the reception was doing a great job. She was so helpful because she was the first person in line talking to parents. She’s helping a lot. She’s allowing me not to suffer the pressure because she always has kind words. She’s doing a great job and I didn’t know her. I didn’t even notice her, but since we are working together in the theater, we know each other and appreciate each other.” You have to set up this understanding of why you’re doing that.
That goes from motivation to inspiration to the why, the purpose to connect the actions and doing it together. I’m inspired to do it because you’re connecting to my heart and my feelings. Not just motivating me to go into action mode. It’s inspiring me to do it because there’s a greater purpose. It’s phenomenal. I also believe that, in that way, you’re sharing too. If we’re giving back as part of our jobs and we’re helping the community, it’s going to help us be better human beings. It’s going to allow us to think through those tiny possibilities.
They talk about us. They continue to feed us, learn, grow, put our guard down, and expand. I connect with it in so many ways, so thank you again. It’s a beautiful story and it’s real. There are real results too. I know you’ve shared many results about people changing how they act, behave, and treat each other. Business results follow too.
It was very funny because when COVID popped up, the company for years where promoting a hybrid work, and everyone was fully equipped with their own laptops. It sounds crazy but before COVID, not everyone in Spain was equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi at home. In our case, we were paying for that. We were paying employees to be at home with high speed.
I remember in Spain, on the 11th day of the lockdown, everyone at home is in lockdown and no one can go out. In our case, on the 9th day, we said, “Don’t come back tomorrow. Stay at home,” because we were ready for that. We had a wonderful opportunity because other companies were starting to go and buy laptops and starting to say, “How is the company going to react?”
At the same time, we were starting to see that after 2013, ‘14, ‘15, the sales are starting to go like this. It’s been unstoppable as a company. When you gather talent, align this talent with a higher purpose, and create these atmospheres and everything, the results are there and it works. It’s profitable. It takes a little time but at the end of the day, you go faster. It’s something that I can say that it works in all senses.
At both ends, we can focus on our people and our customers and have a profitable outcome in many ways. It’s awesome.
You make more money. People are more happy and want to be with you. It’s all benefits.
Win-win-win. Florent, how did you get to this place of optimism and being optimistic? Did you have moments in your life that made you reflect on or maybe there were moments you had to overcome or maybe you were just born this way? How did you get to this place where you believed, trusted, and connected to your purpose with this passion?
I have to say that I was born happy. That’s for sure. I always remember myself singing, being happy, and being optimistic. I was born like this for sure but what is interesting is how you can. Whatever you are, as a leader of the company, you will have an impact but it’s not about that. It’s all about how you can transmit and make sure that when you’re not here, things are going to be this way. It’s all about creating a system.

I was happy to discover this book written by two Spanish teachers back in 2005. It’s called Management By Missions. It’s all about a way of organizing the purpose in a company because talking about purpose is one of the most tricky things you can have. At my med-tech company, for the doctors, it’s like, “I have a purpose. I save lives.” When you sell med-tech products, it’s very easy to say, “We have a very good purpose. We save lives.”
My answer was always to say, “A guy building and manufacturing a stroke for a car is saving lives as well.” I don’t know any products that are not making life better. There is always a saying. You can always find a way to say, “Manufacturing nails and this nail is holding the house, so I save lives.” It’s not the way it works, but it’s the way that many people understand the purpose. It’s something linked to the products for example, which is not.
It’s something that the company is not very good at working on and a few companies understand what the purpose is. If you don’t know what it is, then how are you going to work on that? It’s very difficult. Because of these books, I understood what was the purpose, how to transform this purpose and mission, and then how to organize the company to make sure you contribute from your departments to common goals and missions.
You are able to break up silos between departments by setting not smart key performance indicators. In the case of the management by mission, by wise objective. The kind of objectives that you will never end with. When we were talking about optimistic hospitals, it’s impossible to get to a point to say, “We’ve transformed all the hospitals in Spain.” It’s not possible, but it’s not because it’s not possible that you cannot start to do it and you cannot contribute to this noble purpose.
This is the kind of thinking that helped me to go from a personal characteristic of I’m a happy person and optimistic person to saying, “How can we transfer that to a group of people working in a company? When you are working and when you have detailed what is the playbook, then at this moment, you can have this sincere conversation with people saying, “I have observed that. Can you explain to me how this behavior or how this action is contributing to this mission?” You then start to transform. This is very interesting. This is where I live this journey and saying, “I can pretend people are as happy or optimistic as I am.” but I can work on management models. I can help to hold this conversation about how to make them go closer to this common goal.
It’s fascinating how you’re connected to the dots from how you’re wired to seeing what can happen. I love how you continue to think about possibilities as well. Some of the research I’ve seen is that our happiness is a mixture of how we’re born. What happens to us is that fade away based on all the responsibilities and what we’re told or what we’re told to believe.
The next part is what we believe and the actions we take from what we believe to feed our souls because that could connect or rewire the way we’re thinking then the outcomes follow. The joy we get and how we’re helping the world or we’re giving back. Those are the key components that drive us to have happiness every day.
It’s not something that’s fleeting or goes away. It’s something where we can have an optimistic hospital or community where people are contributing every day. It’s not something that has to go away. If we could live it as you’re describing and having this connect to a higher purpose, believing, and trusting, it’s a beautiful place that you’re not only depicting. You’re showing it’s possible.
It takes a while and takes a lot of energy because as you know and I’m sure that since you started your journey with Live Your Possible, you have so many people who are going to have a wonderful explanation to say no. It’s always full of people with wonderful ideas to stop your journey. It’s full of that.
It’s that whole don’t let good get in the way of great and allowing ourselves to think through what is possible. As you’ve mentioned, don’t think you’re going to change the full world. Change what’s in front of you now. Take those simple steps. That’s great advice and it sounds like you took it to heart in helping people change the world. That’s part of what you’re passionate about as I’ve seen in your writing and how you present yourself out in social media these days.
How could people get a hold of you? Maybe you could be a speaker or help coach other folks and talk about the principles that you’re working on especially when you think about purpose-led organizations and thinking up culture and strategy and everything you’re doing here. You’re living as a great example as an ambassador and as a steward in the world. People should tap into you and chat with you in some way or have you involved in different a capacity. What’s the best way to reach out to you?
I started a new journey and I will transform that. It’s a journey I’m starting and I’m working on my own. I’ve been starting to work as a consultant. I start with one of the customers, the Spanish National Society of Anesthesiology. I’m very grateful and very lucky to start to help them reach all the potential as a society that the anesthesiologists have shown to the world during COVID. They want me to help them change their image, searching, and giving them more purpose.
It’s a long journey because it’s an association and a society. They’re not employees. There are 6,000 folks that are together. It’s a hard job but I’m very happy with this challenge. I will start to try to look for more companies and offer my experience and advice. It’s a journey that I’m very happy to start because I want to contribute to more companies like what I’ve been doing in the same companies for 25 years.
At the end of the day, even if you are always learning, at some point, you are at the end of something. I would be very happy to present to the world in some months this project with some web page. At this moment, I’ll link it and whatever. It’s very easy to reach me and to talk about the project. I’m always giving lectures to some universities and always active, trying to learn, and trying to help. I’m happy to do this.
Thanks for sharing that. It’s been an honor chatting with you. It’s so great to reconnect with you. I feel like we’re back in 2018 and I’m so impressed and inspired. I appreciate you. Thank you again for how you’ve influenced me and how I’m trying to pass the torch and continue the light for people. Thanks for being on the show. You’ve been amazing.
It’s my pleasure. I’m happy and I hope we don’t let five years pass before we talk and connect again. We can share a good example of what people can do and how they live their possible.
Let’s make that happen. Let’s get together again real soon. Thank you again.
Thank you, Darrin. Bye.
Florent is such a gentleman and a ray of light. What a pleasure to reunite with him. His optimism is contagious. He encourages us to seek out a higher purpose and openly invite others to contribute to it. Florent makes it sound so easy as we need to be open to communicating purpose in the workplace with purposeful words and actions in alignment with strategy and culture imperatives. When we do this, people feel safe and trust themselves and others to get involved in ways that create unique environments.
I have witnessed significant changes in various environments, hospitals, financial services companies, and manufacturing organizations where a learning culture inspires people to tackle the small steps to open up new possibilities and change the world where they live, work, and play. You might be thinking, “Where do these methods work?” I believe that in all market industries, human beings are involved.
In addition to this episode, take a listen to his keynote at the 2018 Happiness at Work Conference. If you’re looking to begin identifying a higher purpose for yourself or your organization, listen to the first episode aired in 2024. Other resources to consider include his book, Dreaming About an Optimistic Hospital, or my book, Leave Your Possible. These will provide additional tools, resources, and motivation to practice specific actions to live a fulfilling life as you’re happy authentic self and to live your best life possible. Thank you for tuning in and make it a great day.
Important Links
- Woohoo, Inc
- Live Your Possible
- Hendry Regional Medical
- Amy Edmondson
- Management By Missions
About Florent Amion
Florent Amion is a driving force behind purpose-driven organizations, cultivating environments that attract exceptional talent and deliver outstanding results for all stakeholders. Florent has been a Senior Leader in the Healthcare industry for over 25 years and a business leader in the Med-Tech space, where he has won awards and helped organizations outperform markets by multiple factors by teaching leaders how to focus on people with a higher purpose.
Florent’s transformational leadership style fosters team interconnectedness and self-sufficient leaders across various corporate functions and taps into a deep understanding of the crucial interplay between Purpose, Culture, and Strategy. Florent is motivated by action and determined to propel Companies to new heights where he consistently generates engagement and enthusiasm to deliver impactful outcomes.
He is passionate about empowering individuals to make a difference in their world. Florent actively shares his vision and experiences as a highly sought-after speaker at regional, national, and international events. Through inspiring discussions on purposeful organizations, positive workplace psychology, and transformational leadership, Florent captivates audiences, encouraging them to embrace meaningful change and unlock their full potential.