Happy Ducks Ride the Ripple
Have you ever received an act of kindness, been shown appreciation for being you, or been recognized for making a difference? It feels terrific. Do

Transforming Healthcare Cultures Together
How a Change in Intentional Actions Created Dramatic Improvements in Engagement, Safety, and Satisfaction “What is in the sauce over there?” That is what some

Thrive Together as One Team
by Darrin Tulley, Founder and Chief of Possibilities at Ignite Happy A new manager, Cindy, got an assignment to turn around a worksite benefits organization

Positive Rituals Enhance Your Well-Being
by Darrin Tulley, Founder and Chief of Possibilities at Ignite Happy Are you looking for a simple way to enhance your well-being and feel more

Leading With Love to Inspire Greatness
“Cultivate Cultures Through a Soulful Spark of Humanity” At a company event where I was a speaker, I talked with the organization’s newest managers. I

Belong As Your Happy Authentic Self
By Darrin Tulley, Founder & Chief of Possibilities at Ignite Happy “Live Your Possible” Darrin believes there is a light inside of you waiting to

Be The One That Illuminates Others
By Darrin Tulley, Founder & Chief of Possibilities at Ignite Happy “Authentic Inclusion Welcomes Differences” Do you believe all people are equal and belong wherever?

Change Mindsets With Purpose and Gratitude
“Slow Down to Take Your Control Back and Good Outcomes Will Follow” Sprinkling in any change into the pool of uncertainty during a pandemic would

Mirror, Mirror; Ready To Take Steps Forward
By Darrin Tulley, Chief of Possibilities @ Ignite Happy “Expect What You Reflect” Due to our current circumstances, the stark reality is that millions of

Break Yourself Wide Open
“Ignite It From Within” “To overcome personal and professional challenges, it is essential to learn the soft skills of life. People who feel connected, appreciated,

When It Rains, Let It Pour
“Take a Ride Down Your River of Lemonade” When it rains, it seems to pour. This can leave us feeling overwhelmed and even drain our

Unmask What Really Matters
Authentically Share and Unleash Possibilities Living in isolation hasn’t been so bad when you look at our situation with a silver lining. Admittedly, one area

Ridding Them, To Become Us
“Become one and create joy at work” According to hundreds of people that I have interviewed, joy at work means belonging as a trusted partner

Darrin Speaks on Happiness
Ignite Happy is excited to release Darrin Tulley’s first video footage speaking about happiness and where it comes from. Darrin playfully talks about how “Consuming

Growth Comes From Effort, Not Outcomes
“Always prepare as your best and when the opportunity arises you will deliver your best” Putting people first and into a positive environment is where

Pop With Actions and Connections of Joy
“Keep your popcorn popper popping” Imagine if you could turn on a popcorn air-popper in your brain that pumps out non-stop positivity and joy. Not

What Words Might Be Holding You Back
“Feeling self-limited keeps us stuck while being limitless fills our world to the brim with opportunities” Certain phrases hold us back from living an authentic

Why Focus on Happy
“Consuming happiness can be fun, however being consumed by happiness is exhilarating” We have been trained to think being happy is something that happens to

Celebrate Being Different
Embracing differences will unleash possibilities. It was 5 A.M. and I was sitting in the airport. A couple of flights were between me and my

Happiness Is Never Far Away
“When sharing our real, full self with others, we make connections that ignite a spark inside” I was stuck in a rut thinking I needed

Giving Back; The Two Way Street of Gifts
“Changing someone else’s life positively changes yours for the better as well” – Cameron Boyce Do you know what it feels like to be struggling? In

What the Heck is WG?
“It is this unique & special something inside all of us. Ignite happy from within.” The point of awakening for me was a culmination of

Servant Coaching
“Doing selfless acts for the good of the team and acting out what we say we are going to do, builds trust.” Not long ago

A S.T.R.O.N.G. You
Our true authentic self is the lifeline for igniting our true happiness Thank you for opening your hearts and welcoming my sometimes vulnerable stories into

Dance Out Loud
Allow your happiness to be a dance; to come alive and live out loud It all started with a curiosity to learn something new. My

When Joy Meets Happy
“You can’t sustainably achieve that outside joy unless there is also inside joy” – Richard Sheridan, CEO Menlo Innovations When joy meets happy…eyes become clearer

Connecting the Dots
Human Connection Is Everything. In the over forty years of my life, I have been changing, growing and unknowingly trying to make meaningful connections along

Upside Down: Results First, People Second
Imagine if you could live your passion as an avenue to connect with people. I LOVE numbers. So much so that a majority of my

Light Up Your Sky
We need to evolve and continuously change to ignite our inner happiness and thrive. Too many people settle into their day-to-day and are on a